To follow the theme of Smart Cities, the topic of Smart Mobility is the intersection of information and communication technology (ICT) with transportation systems. The common name for Smart Mobility in transportation circles is Intelligent Transportation Systems or ITS.

On February 6, we generally discussed Smart Mobility but emphasized on one local application of ITS: San Francisco’s SFPark program.  For most ITS applications, the focus so far is on safety, efficiency, and performance.

However, many of these applications are already familiar and we don’t even consider them “smart.”  The next wave of ITS might include performance-based metrics and data analytics that weren’t available over the past 100 years.  More widespread sensors and digital connectivity will allow two-way communication and higher degrees of automated management.

SFPark itself is an integrated parking and congestion management system.  Drivers circling from parking are a major source of congestion and emissions in SF, and the program aims to make parking availability more transparent.  A system of sensors in parking spaces helps produce a real-time map of parking availability downtown, so drivers know where they are likely to find parking.  This new system of sensors also allows for dynamic pricing of parking spaces – a tool that can provide cities with a new way of managing curbside congestion.   By pricing the parking space based on demand (an application of economic theory), the prices can trigger parking behavior that leaves at least one space open at any time.  The accompanying new meters also let people seamlessly pay by cell phone or credit card, and prices are adjusted every 4-6 weeks to manage demand.

We also discussed some of the implementation challenges of the program.  The discussion of the system was quite rich, and here are some of the biggest insights that emerged.

  • Technology is not the only piece of smart mobility – institutions, unions, personnel, etc. are major factors in how the technology gets integrated into the system.  For public uses, these are often the most formidable.
  • To implement these systems, you need an immense project management system because it’s a complicated system of vendors.
  • Major security and privacy barriers to fully utilizing data.  Currently, most data can only be used at aggregate level, and data ownership is a huge issue.  In addition, resources are needed to run high-level analytics on the growing database.
  • It’s unclear how to make SFPark financially sustainable.  Currently, it is fueled by grants as a pilot project, but full cost recovery hasn’t been figured out.  After SFPark, initial data suggests that revenues from citations have gone down, while revenues from parking itself have gone up.
  • The sensor and meter system has to be flawless, due to public scrutiny and accountability, and there are technical issues in power, protection, and interference that require a lot of resources to address.

Smart economy is the intersection between the economy and Smart Cities.  This is a very broad definition but we roughly broke it into three different components: how Smart Cities technologies are changing urban commerce, the Smart City as an economic driver, and the economics behind Smart Cities.

Changing Urban Commerce

The Smart City platform creates new ways to reach and engage customers.  Below are some examples we discussed.

  • The virtual supermarket  in a South Korea subway is a good example of how information and communication technology (ICT) changes customers’ interactions with goods.  The enabling technology is the QR code. Each image of a good has an associated QR code that when scanned by a cell phone, will allow the customer to purchase the good and have the good delivered to their home.
  • Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology that will enable payment through smart phones, which opens opportunities for dynamic pricing, finely tiered pricing, and micropayments, among others.  NFC technology differs from QR code technology because NFC is two-way communication and QR is one-way communication.
  • Companies have also experimented with augmented reality (AR) advertising and customer engagement. AR opens up a completely new arena for advertising that does not require physical installments.

A first-cut overview of the enabling technologies and where the technology influences urban commerce is displayed below.  The circles represent the relative influence of the technology (the rows) under each of the arenas for influencing consumer behavior (the columns).

The Smart City as an Economic Driver

The realization of the Smart City requires extensive infrastructure. To provide bandwidth, this infrastructure is supplied with a combination of fiber optic cables and copper cables.  To borrow a metaphor from transportation networks, fiber optic cables are the highways that carry the majority of traffic (information) over the longest distances and at the highest speeds.  The copper cables branch off of the highways to form arterials that carry less of the traffic to more locations. Transportation infrastructure is viewed as an economic driver, is there a similar metaphor for information and communication technology?

The influence of bandwidth on the economy can be measured in two ways: the first looks at the economic impact of broadband penetration, i.e. the proportion of the population with access to broadband; the second metric looks at broadband speed, usually represented as an average download speed for the area of study.

A report from June 2011 by the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, a commission of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and UNESCO, explains the connection between increased bandwidth penetration and economic development. The report defines broadband as “combined provision of voice, data and video at the same time.” The report cites other studies that have linked investment into broadband infrastructure with a growth in jobs along with an increase in a country’s GDP. Besides purely economic growth, increased broadband penetration can also contribute to the proliferation of “Knowledge Societies.” According to the report, these are societies that exhibit “freedom of expression, universal access to information and knowledge, respect for cultural and linguistic diversity, and quality education for all.”

At the international scale, broadband penetration is the key issue.  In a country like the United States that already has high penetration rates, broadband speed has become the central concern.  Why does the United States rank 26th for average broadband speed, falling behind not only acknowledged leaders like South Korea and Sweden, but also the likes of Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Taiwan, and Belgium? Perhaps geographic issues contribute (we are a large country with a diverse geography), but invariables aside, the major factor is a lack of competitive incentives within the monopolistic ISP market and thus resistance to invest in the infrastructure.

This has been a major barrier to innovation and expansion, but Google is launching an initiative to disrupt these industry dynamics.  Back in 2010, Google announced a community fiber program that will provide a new kind of fiber network to residents of Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri.  The new fiber network will be fast, with plans to reach (1 GB/sec), and it will run along the fiber arterials from the fiber highway (backbone) directly to your home.  Without the copper portion of the connection, the new network will be much faster. The idea behind the program is to put pressure on the ISP market leaders to invest in network capacity rather than putting caps on data usage by introducing more competition and making transparent the real costs of ICT infrastructure construction.  Who better to address this problem than a company that stands to benefit significantly from increased internet-based activity?

The Economics behind Smart Cities

Deciding where to invest in ICT infrastructure is quickly becoming a global issue. To put things in perspective, Google is providing lightning fast internet in Kansas City while large portions of Sub-Saharan Africa lack any kind of broadband coverage.  A report produced for the World Bank from 2008 identified three types of ICT “gaps” in Sub-Saharan Africa:

  • Efficient market gap: residents could afford ICT infrastructure but there is no provider;
  • Sustainable coverage gap: residents could afford the required infrastructure but could not afford the service;
  • Universal coverage gap: residents could afford neither the service nor the infrastructure.

According to the report, covering all of the market gaps would cost approximately $7.5 billion. To cover just the efficient market gap, however, would only cost around $3.5 billion, but would increase penetration of broadband coverage by 40%, for a total coverage of 95% (up from the existing coverage rate of 55%). The remaining gaps represent only 5% of the population, but covering this last 5% would cost another $4 billion.

The non-linear relationship between cost and number of people affected conforms to the Pareto principle: a dollar spent in providing the first 20% of broadband coverage is much more powerful than a dollar in providing access for the last 20% of the population without coverage. This raises another point for investment in broadband speeds in the United States: when we already have residents with access to relatively fast broadband, is it worth the investment to increase broadband speeds further? If broadband penetration is the goal, how can the market incentivize companies like Google and the major telecom companies to invest in increasing penetration in areas of the country and the world that have not been considered “profitable”?

Technological innovation offers the promise of more intelligent, sustainable, equitable and dynamic cities. New technologies and data-processing capabilities will allow us to tackle some of the oldest and most intractable problems of planning and building cities. Governments, citizens, and the private sector offer innovative solutions for issues of governance, resource consumption, and access to services. In this course, we adopt a broad understanding of “smart cities,” as cities in which investments traditional and communication infrastructure, as well as human and social capital, drive sustainable economic development and improve quality of life.

This course aims to:

  • Explore various intersections of cities and technology
  • Discuss the role of planners, engineers, designers and others in smart cities
  • Provide a launching pad for smart cities initiatives across the UC Berkeley campus

The presentations and other materials generated in the course will be provided here to be shared with the UC Berkeley community as well as practitioners and researchers interested in the emerging intersections of urbanism and technology.